Amaranthus Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Amaranthus
Amaranthus is a short-lived frost-tender plant that's both ornamental and edible. Both the leaves and seeds are edible, and this plant is highly nutritious. The leaves are rich in Vitamin C and iron with a taste rather like spinach, and the gluten-free seeds have a nutty flavour are high in protein and calcium. Amaranthus plants are dramatic and showy and make great cut flowers that can be used fresh or dried for future arrangements.
Planting Time
Amaranthus seeds can be directly planted in the flower bed in the spring once the soil has warmed and frosts are no longer expected. Or, start the flower seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to the end of frost season.

Planting Location
Amaranthus prefers full sun and can be grown in most soils.

How to Plant Amaranthus
- Start flower seeds indoors in starter trays
- Press the seed into the soil but do not cover
- Light is needed for germination
- Keep trays moist and warm for germination
- Harden off seedlings and transplant outdoors
- Or, work the garden soil 6 - 8 inches in depth
- Add organic material to improve drainage
- Directly sow the seeds and keep the area moist

Care And Maintenance
- Keep the soil moist for establishment
- Once the plant is established, water only during dry weather
- Taller plants may need some staking or support
- Leaves can be harvested when they are small and tender
- Seeds can be harvested in late summer or autumn
- Cut off the seedhead and hung upside down to dry