Tall & Short Native Prairie Grass Seed for Sale

A Wide Selection of Native Grass Seeds
At Outsidepride.com, we proudly feature high-quality prairie and native grass seed mixes that are ideal for regional native use. These blended varieties have many applications, from creating rangeland pastures to enriching and protecting the soil as cover crops, or simply as good-looking and hardy ornamental grasses.

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Regardless of their use, we have a vast selection of native grass seed for sale, including everything from bluestem grasses to grama grasses, and everything in between. Let’s take a look at what we have to offer:
Native Grass Seed

Blue Grama Native Grass Seed
As a warm season grass seed, Blue Grama is perfect for low maintenance lawns and pastures. It mixes well with Buffalo grass, and can survive a wide range of temperature fluctuations. It’s moderately tolerant of drought, salinity, and alkalinity.

Bluestem Seed -  Big
This versatile and attractive grass has a beautiful reddish-copper hue in autumn. It works great as an accent plant, and can help to contribute to a truly attractive landscape. Big Bluestem is also perfect for landscaping, or can be grown in pots or flower beds.

Bluestem Seed - Little
Because of how easy it is to grow, Little Bluestem grass is one of the most popular on the market. It’s typically used in wildflower plantings, and it’s short height allows it to mix well with wildflowers. The grass comes in a range of colors from greens to blues, and turn a bright red in fall.

Indian Grass Seed
This clumping and versatile native grass generally reaches heights of three to five feet or more, and is tolerant of many textures, including sand and clay. Indian Grass turns to a bronze color in autumn, and is great for livestock or even as a border plant.

Northeastern Native Grass Seed Mix
This is a mixture of warm and cool season grasses. They can be planted both alone or along with a mixture of wildflowers, and generally reach heights of two to four feet. The mix contains five varieties of seeds, including Wildrye, Bluestem, and Switchgrass.

Short Native Grass Seed
This mixture can be planted alone or with wildflowers for an attractive prairie look. It contains a variety of warm-season grasses, including Blue Grama, Sideoats Grama, and Buffalo Grass. These varieties typically reach a height of eight to twelve inches.

Sideoats Grama Native Grass Seed
This hardy grass has a wide distribution throughout the entire country. In favorable conditions, it can germinate quickly, but the seedlings require continued moisture. Sideoats Grama is bluish-green, and turns reddish-brown in autumn.

Southeast Native Grass Seed Mix
Containing Wildrye, Purpletop, Little Bluestem, and Broomsedge, this native grass seed mixture features both warm and cool-season grasses. These grasses usually grow from two to four feet high.

Switchgrass Native Grass Seed
This perennial grass is quite tall, reaching heights of five feet in many instances. It grows best in average to wet soil and is excellent for pasture purposes, but Switchgrass must be grazed before it develops seed stalks.

Tall Native Grass Seed
This mixture contains the species that form the backbone of the legendary prairie grasses, Little and Big Bluestem, Switchgrass, and Indiangrass. These native grasses are well suited for both upland and lowland sites, and are tolerant of heat and drought, making them extremely versatile.

Western Native Grass Seed
A mixture of cool and warm-season grasses, Western Native grass seed contains seven varieties, all of which can be planted alone or along with wildflowers. These species reach a height of two to three feet.

Xeriscape Grass Seed
Xeriscape is a mixture of Buffalo Grass and Blue Grama. It was originally developed for ornamental and ecological purposes, and since it’s drought-resistant, it can be the perfect alternative to a lawn.

No matter what kind of native grasses you're looking for, we can help. Our selection of native grass seed and ornamental grass seed for sale features a wide variety of species, colors, and sizes. So whether you’re looking to enrich and protect your soil, feed your livestock, or just have a great looking landscape to enjoy, you have plenty to choose from.

To place an order, or for more information on our native grass seeds, contact us today!