Planting Instructions for Bee Balm Flower Seeds

Bee Balm Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Bee Balm

Nothing brings in the butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees like Bee Balm. The plant is very ornamental and show, yet it also has a long history of medicinal uses. Bee Balm is antimicrobial and often times made into tea. It can be used to treat colds, the flu, indigestion, bloating, and nausea.

Planting Time

Most gardeners will start Bee Balm seeds indoors about 8 weeks prior to the end of frost season and then transplant out after frost danger has passed.

Planting Location

Bee Balm plants prefer full sun to partial shade and moderately moist, well-draining soil.

How to Plant Bee Balm

  • Start the flower seeds in starter trays
  • The seeds need light for germination so only lightly cover the seeds
  • Keep the seeds moist and warm for germination
  • Pinch back the plants to encourage a bushier growth
  • Harden off the young plants gradually for 7 - 10 days
  • Transplant out to the garden
  • Space the plants 20 - 30 inches apart

Care And Maintenance

  • Irrigate consistently to establish the plants
  • Mulch around the base of the plants to help suppress weeds
  • To prevent mildew, only irrigate at the base of the plant
  • If powdery mildew begins, cut out the infected parts and throw away
  • Plants can be cut back and cleaned up in the winter
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