Planting Instructions for Obedient Plant Seeds

Obedient Plant Planting Guide

Quick Facts About Obedient Plant

Obedient Plant is also known as False Dragonhead. It makes an excellent cut flower, and looks wonderful in a naturalized landscape or meadow-type setting. False Dragonhead is a compact, erect, clump-forming perennial which typically grows 24 - 30 inches tall.

Planting Time

Plant directly outdoors in the fall after several frosts have occurred.

Planting Location

Plant in full sun to partial shade with well-drained soil.

How to Plant Obedient Plant

  • Sow seeds directly into the garden, in the fall after several frosts have occurred. Cover seeds thinly, no more than the thickness of the seed.
  • Presoak seeds overnight before planting 3 - 4 seeds per cell or plant.
  • Space plants 18 - 24 inches apart in garden.

Care And Maintenance

  • Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating.
  • Mulches play a vital role in preserving soil moisture and ensuring consistent soil temperatures. When it comes to annuals, using organic mulch made from shredded leaves not only enhances the appearance of the bed but also enriches the soil as it decomposes over time. Remember to keep mulch away from the plant stems to avoid potential rot issues.
  • Thin seedlings to the strongest plant. Divide the plant every 2 - 3 years to control the rhizomatous root system (spreading). Deadheading will also encourage more blooms and slow down re-seeding.
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