Planting Instructions for Periwinkle Flower Seeds

Periwinkle Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Periwinkle

Periwinkle, or annual vinca, is a prolific bloomer even in heat and drought. These little plants are perfect for hot areas - even up next to cement or stones, and they require very little care. Periwinkles can also reseed themselves for a colorful display year after year. The foliage is a glossy green and very attractive as well as the flowers which come in a wide array of colors. Periwinkles can be grown in containers, edging the flower border, or simply as a colorful ground cover. They will bloom all summer and right up until the first frost of fall.

Planting Time

It is recommended that Periwinkle seeds are started indoors in late winter. They can be started 10 - 12 weeks before the last expected frost. They are slower growers.

Planting Location

Periwinkle plants grow well in full sun to partial shade. In hotter climates, morning sunshine and afternoon shade is preferred. They do well in average soils that drain well.

How to Plant Periwinkle

  • Start Periwinkle flower seeds in starter trays
  • Press the seeds into the soil and cover with about 1/4 inch of soil
  • The trays need to be consistenly moist and warm - 70 degrees for germination
  • Periwinkles prefer darkness for germination, so cover the tray with another empty tray or a loose piece of black plastic
  • Lift the cover each day, mist down the soil, and check for seedlings
  • Once seedlings appear, set the trays in a bright window or under grow lights
  • Wait until all frost danger has passed prior to harding off the Periwinkle plants
  • Harden off 7 - 10 days before transplanting out
  • Tranplant outdoors

Care And Maintenance

  • Water the Periwinkle transplants well and for the first week or two after transplanting
  • Once established, Periwinkle are drought tolerant so water as needed
  • Apply a fertilizer for blooming flowers 2 times during the growing season
  • Mulch are the plants to help suppress weed growth and retain moisture
  • Deadheading is not needed to keep the flowers blooming
  • Periwinkle is known to self-sow and produce flowers each year
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