Lacy Phacelia Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Lacy Phacelia
The Lacy Phacelia flower spike is light blue-violet and has bees busy all day long, and the foliage is fern-like and lacy in appearance. Give it a sunny location in the garden and water from the roots occasionally. Lacy Phacelia is becoming more and more popular as a cover crop and is used for honey bee forage. Butterflies like it as well.
Planting Time
Directly sow Lacy Phacelia seeds outdoors in early spring when there are a few frosts still expected.

Planting Location
Full sun is preferred, but Lacy Phacelia is not picky about the soil as long as it drains well.

How to Plant Lacy Phacelia
- In the spring work the soil and remove weeds
- Add compost and work it in to improve the soil
- Rake the soil smooth and scatter Lacy Phacelia flower seeds on the surface
- Lightly rake the seed into the soil - covering 1/8 inch
- Keep the soil moist for germination
- Thin to the strongest seedling every 10 - 12 inches apart

Care And Maintenance
- Irrigate regularly to establish the plants
- Water at the roots as over-head sprinklers can cause the plants to flop
- The plants can be trimmed to neaten the appearance and encourage more blooming
- Liberal self-sower
- Plants will die back with first frost