Planting Instructions for Ranunculus Seeds

Ranunculus Planting Guide

Quick Facts About Ranunculus

Ranunculus is also known as Persian Buttercup. It is a sweet and colorful annual that grows easily from flower seeds. It's a mounding plant with refined foliage and multi-petaled, whorled blooms that range in colors of red, rose, orange, yellow, pink, and white.

Planting Time

Plant directly outdoors in the winter.

Planting Location

Plant in partial shade with moist, well-drained soil.

How to Plant Ranunculus

  • Sow seeds directly into the garden in the winter, by not covering seeds but press into the soil.
  • Plant 3 - 4 seeds per cell or plant.
  • Ranunculus does best as a container plant. They will flower about 3 - 4 months after being sown from seed. The key to growing Ranunculus from flower seed is growing them in cool temperatures. Seeds need to germinate between 50 - 60F and then grow on at 60F days and 40F nights. Use sterile potting soil and trays. Sow seeds on the surface of the soil and gently press in. Keep the trays out of direct sunlight and always moist. Transplant seedlings into larger pots when 4 - 5 true leaves appear.
  • If grown in the garden, space plants 10 inches apart.

Care And Maintenance

  • Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating.
  • Mulches play a vital role in preserving soil moisture and ensuring consistent soil temperatures. When it comes to annuals, using organic mulch made from shredded leaves not only enhances the appearance of the bed but also enriches the soil as it decomposes over time. Remember to keep mulch away from the plant stems to avoid potential rot issues.
  • Whether grown in the ground or in containers, these plants benefit from mulch which helps keep the roots cool.
  • During establishment keep the plants lightly moist. Once established, let the soil dry out a little in between waterings.
  • After the plant has finished blooming, and the leaves begin to yellow, cut the plant down low to the soil.
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