Valerian Planting Guide
Quick Facts About Valerian
Valerian is highly prized as a medicinal herb. It is a hardy perennial with a history of use dating back to the 16th century. It is very ornamental with fern-like foliage and pink flower heads that attract butterflies. The root is what is harvested for medicinal use. Valerian has been called nature's tranquilizer. It is used to soothe anxiety, relieve pain, and calm minds that cannot fall asleep.
Planting Time
Directly sow Valarian seeds in the garden once frost danger has passed.
Planting Location
Plant Valerian in full sun. It will tolerate light shade. Valerian plants will perform in a wide variety of soils, but they prefer moist, well-draining loam.
How to Plant Valerian
- Work the garden soil to a depth of 8 - 10 inches
- Add compost to improve drainage
- Sow the Valerian seeds and lightly cover
- Keep moist for germination
Care And Maintenance
- Keep the plants regularly watered for establishment
- Apply a water soluable fertilizer a few times during the growing season
- Valerian plants will self-sow, deadheading spent flowers will prevent unwanted seedlings next spring
- For harvesting, only use plants that are at least 2 years old
- Water the plant well, and gently dig the root and rhizomes
Valerian and Other Options
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