Arenaria Planting and Care Guide
Quick Facts About Arenaria
Arenaria is a versatile ground cover plant, great for edging paths, between flagstones, in walls, a ground cover, or in trough gardens or rock gardens. Sometimes used as a lawn alternative.
Planting Time
Sow Arenaria Montana seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks before last frost.
Planting Location
Grow in moist, but well-drained, sandy, poor soil in full sun to partial shade.
How to Plant Anthyllis
- Sow Arenaria Montana seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks before last frost. Arenaria can be started directly outside in a prepared seedbed after danger of frost.
- 2 seeds per cell or approximately 1000 seeds covers 20 square feet.
- Do not cover seeds, but press firmly into soil.
- Germination should occur in approximately 14 - 28 days..
- Keep seeds moist but not wet until germination.
- As soon as seedlings emerge, provide plenty of light on a sunny windowsill or grow seedlings to the 3 leaf stage beneath fluorescent plant lights turned on 16 hours per day, off for 8 hours at night. Raise the lights as the plants grow taller. (Transplant to larger pots once they are large enough to handle if needed) Incandescent bulbs will not work for this process because they will get too hot. Most plants require a dark period to grow, do not leave lights on for 24 hours.
- Before transplanting, seedlings need to be “hardened off”. Accustom young plants to outdoor conditions by moving them to a sheltered place outside for a week. Be sure to protect them from wind and hot sun at first. If frost threatens at night, cover or bring containers indoors, then take them out again in the morning. This hardening off process toughens the plant’s cell structure and reduces transplant shock and scalding.
- Transplant after all danger of frost has passed.
- When transplanting select a location in full sun to partial shade.
- Prepare the planting area by turning the soil under to a depth of 8 inches. Level with a rake to remove clumps of grass and stones.
- Plant seedlings 4 - 6 inches apart.
Care And Maintenance
- Keep weeds under control during the growing season. Weeds compete with plants for water, space and nutrients, so control them by either cultivating often or use a mulch to prevent their seeds from germinating.
- Follow the usual watering routine throughout its first growing season in order to establish an extensive, deep root system. After established, water deeply during log dry periods.
- Divide these ground cover plants in spring or early fall.
- Fertilize using a liquid fish and seaweed fertilizer will improve growth and appearance.
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