Baby's Breath Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Baby's Breath
Baby's Breath is one of the most popular flowers and it is easy and quick to grow. It is a wonderful cut flower and complements other, more showy flowers very nicely whether in the garden or in a vase. Everything looks better with Baby's Breath around it!
Planting Time
Start Baby's Breath seeds indoors 4 - 6 weeks prior to the end of frost season. Or, once soil temperatures are warm, directly sow the seeds outside.

Planting Location
Plant Baby's Breath in full sun and in well-drained soil. The plants do not like acidic soils.

How to Plant Baby's Breath
- Start the Baby's Breath flower seeds in starter trays
- Only lightly cover the seeds with soil as light is needed for germination
- Keep the seeds moist and warm for germination
- Grow until there are 2 true leaves
- Harden off gradually for 7 - 10 days
- Transplant outside when there is no danger of frost
- Or, for directly planting outside, work the garden soil 6 - 8 inches
- Add organic matter to improve the soil
- Sow the flower seeds on the soil
- Cover the seeds with a dusting of soil
- Keep moist for germination
- Thin seedlings to about every 10 inches

Care And Maintenance
- Provide consistent irrigations for establishment
- Once all the blooms are opened, cut them back for a second flush
- For cutting fresh stems, cut when flowers are half opened
- To dry, cut the flowers when they are fully opened, gather in bundles and hang upside down to dry
- For continuous blooms throughout the growing season, sow seeds every 3 - 4 weeks