Chia Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Chia
Chia is in the mint family, and it is often grown for its seed which is commonly used in foods. The Chia plants are actually very pretty when they bloom, but heat is needed for the best display of flowers. It is native to Mexico and Central America and attracts pollinators to the garden
Planting Time
Directly sow Chia seeds in the spring once frost danger is over. Chia is an annual in most USDA Zones, but can be a perennial in Zones 8 - 11. In warm climates, fall is another good time for sowing the seeds.

Planting Location
Full sun is a must for Chia plants. Since they are native to Mexico, heat is welcomed as well as sandy soils. If soil is not sandy, make sure it is amended to drain well.

How to Plant Chia
- Prepare the garden soil so that it is loosen 6 inches in depth
- Add compost to improve soil texture and help with drainage
- Scatter the seeds on the surface, gently press them in, but do not cover them
- Keep seeded area moist until germination

Care And Maintenance
- Chia plants require very little care
- Clip dead flower spikes after blooming
- Chia is a liberal self-sower