Planting Instructions for Chinese Houses Seed

Chinese Houses Planting Guide

Quick Facts About Chinese Houses

Chinese Houses are a wild flower that is indigenous to California, but can grow in almost all areas. The blooms look at first glance like a lupine, but at second look, the blooms are notably bi-colored whorls that decrease in size as they go up the stem, resembling a Chinese pagoda. Bees adore these annuals and they are a host plant for different butterfly species.

Planting Time

Directly sow Chinese House flower seeds in early spring as soon as the soil is workable, or plant in the late fall after a killing frost.

Planting Location

Chinese House plants will perform in full sun and partial shade, and the soil should be rich, moist and drain well.

How to Plant Chinese Houses

  • Work the soil several inches in depth
  • Add compost to improve drainage and add nutrients
  • Scatter the flower seeds on the surface and press them in but do not cover
  • Keep the seeds continually moist for germination

Care And Maintenance

  • Irrigate for establishment
  • Very little care is needed
  • Deadheading the spent flowers will encourage continued blooming
  • Chinese Houses will self-sow for the next season
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