Planting Instructions for Foxglove Flower Seeds

Foxglove Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Foxglove

Foxgloves have an outstanding appeal in borders, beds, and open woodland gardens. They will attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds with their nectar rich flowers. Elegant and colorful, Foxgloves are also good for cutting and are beautifully stunning in flower arrangements. They also tolerate some shade, so they are favorites for the gardener with shady areas in need of color.

Planting Time

Start Foxglove seeds directly outdoors once frost threat has passed in the spring - flowers will appear the following year. In areas with mild winters, the Foxglove seeds can be started in the fall. Or, start the flower seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to the end of frost season (these will probably not bloom until the next year). For Foxglove blooms the same year, start seeds 12 weeks before the end of frost season and use grow lights for continued growing.

Planting Location

Foxglove plants prefer full sun, but in the hotter climates, morning sun and afternoon shade is preferable. Foxgloves may require some staking in windy areas, so protection is a good idea when planning their location.

How to Plant Foxglove

  • Plant the Foxglove seeds in starter trays
  • Press the seeds into the soil but do not cover
  • Continually keep the tray moist and warm for germination
  • A light covering of plastic wrap will help hold in moisture and heat
  • Remove the plastic as soon as sprouts appear
  • Once sprouts appear, make sure the trays are in a sunny window or under grow lights (14 hours a day)
  • A light application of water soluable fertilizer applied at 3 - 4 weeks of growth is helpful
  • Harden off the young Foxglove plants for 7 - 10 days prior to planting out
  • Transplant into soil that has been amended with organic matter
  • Or, weed and work the garden soil
  • Add compost and work it into the soil
  • Firm the seed bed
  • Scatter the Foxglove seeds over the soil and press them in
  • Keep the seeds moist for germination
  • Thin to the strongest seedling 12 - 18 inches apart

Care And Maintenance

  • Irrigate regularly to establish Foxglove plants
  • During long periods of heat, irrigate more often
  • Mulch around the base of the plant to suppress weeds and help retain moisture
  • Provide wind protection or staking
  • Allow some flowers to remain in order to self-sow
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