Planting Instructions for Marigold Flower Seeds

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Marigold Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Marigolds

Offering bold, non-stopping color, Marigolds have so much to give all spring, summer and fall. These compact, bushy plants are perfect for containers of all kinds or the flower border. There are taller African Marigolds and smaller French Marigolds and both make great companion plants for the vegetable garden by repelling unwanted pests. There are no flowers in the summer display that are more cheerful or giving than Marigolds!

Planting Time

Marigold seeds can be planted directly outdoors a week or two after the last frost. They are fairly fast to establish from seed outdoors with the average blooms appearing in 8 - 10 weeks. Or, start the flower seeds indoors 4 - 6  weeks prior to the end of frost season.

Planting Location

Marigold plants thrive in full sun and in moderately rich, moist soil that drains well. They are well-suited to growing in pots, window boxes, flower beds, and the vegetabla garden.

How to Plant Marigolds

  • Plant the Marigold seeds in starter trays
  • Light is required for germination so press the seeds into the soil and only lightly cover
  • Continually keep the tray moist and warm for germination
  • Once sprouts appear, make sure the trays are in a sunny window or under grow lights
  • Pinching the stems back will help to encourage a bushy growth habit
  • Once temperatures are warming outdoors, harden off the Marigold seedlings for 7 - 10 days prior to transplanting out
  • Or, weed and work the garden soil to a depth of 6 inches
  • Add compost to improve the soil
  • Firm the seedbed and plant the Marigold seeds, pressing them in and lightly covering
  • Keep the area well irrigated for germination
  • Once seedlings are several inches, pinch back to encourage a bushier growth habit
  • Thin the seedlings to the recommended spacing - depending on the type of Marigold

Care And Maintenance

  • For the amount they give, Marigolds require very little care
  • For containers, keep an eye on the moisture and water more often than for Marigold plants grown directly in the garden
  • Marigolds grown in containers also benefit from an application or two of a fertilizer for blooms (high in potassium and phosphorus)
  • Marigolds can be used for cutting - simply snip off the foliage that would be below the water line and add them to a vase
  • The flowers can also be cut and dried for everlasting bouquets - again, snip off the foliage and then hang the flowers upside down for drying
  • Deadhead the Marigold flowers and a flush of new buds will keep appearing
  • Blooming will last until the first cold tempertures of fall, and then the plants can be removed
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