Planting Instructions for Dame's Rocket

Dame's Rocket Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Dame's Rocket

The heavenly clove-like scent will attract lots of bees, butterflies and birds, and in the evening, the breeze picks up the fragrance and floats it in the air giving it another commong name of Sweet Rocket.  Dame's Rocket is in the mustard family and is edible. The lose clusters of flowers have four petals and the color ranges from white, pink, lilac to deep lilac. Before growing Dame's Rocket, check with the local county extension office to make sure it is not considered to be a noxious weed and not legal to plant.

Planting Time

Directly sow Dame's Rocket seeds in the spring once the soil can be worked and frost danger has passed. It is fast to establish, but there will be no blooms until the second year of establishment.

Planting Location

Plant Dame's Rocket seeds in full sun or partial shade and in soil that is moist but drains well. Dame's Rocket does better in cooler summers and is often seen growing along the edge of woods or roadways.

How to Plant Dame's Rocket

  • Weed the soil and work it to a depth of 6 inches
  • Add compost to improve soil drainage
  • Firm the soil and scatter the Dame's Rocket flower seeds over the soil
  • Lightly rake the seeds under, but the seed needs light for germination so do not bury it deeply
  • Keep the area moist
  • The first year will produce leaves and a rosette base from which the plant will grow the second year

Care And Maintenance

  • Keep the Dame's Rocket plants moist
  • Fertilize the plants every few weeks for best results
  • Deadhead to keep the plants from liberally self-sowing
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