Planting Instructions for Sage Herb Seeds

Sage Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Sage

The Sage herb has fragrant gray-green leaves and attractive mauve flower spikes in early summer. It's highly attractive to birds, bees and butterflies. Sage has a long history of medicinal and culinary uses. It's most well-known use is in Thanksgiving dressing!

Planting Time

Start Sage seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks prior to the end of frost season. Or, directly start the herb seeds out in the garden once frost danger has passed.

Planting Location

Sage plants prefer full sun and loamy, well-draining soil. The plants will not tolerate wet soils that do not drain.

How to Plant Sage

  • Plant Sage seeds in starter trays
  • Only lightly cover the seeds as they need light
  • Keep the trays moist and warm for best germination results
  • Transplant out in the garden 12 - 18 inches apart once frost danger has passed
  • Or, work the garden soil 6 - 8 inches
  • Add compost to ensure that soil drains well
  • Broadcast the herb seeds and lightly cover them
  • Keep the seeds moist
  • Thin seedlings to 12 - 18 inches apart

Care And Maintenance

  • Irrigate consistently until the plants are well-established
  • Once established, don't over water
  • Entire stems or leaves can be harvested
  • Smaller leaves will have better flavor to be used fresh
  • Larger leaves can be used for drying
  • Give a water soluable fertilizer a couple of time during the growing season
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