Best Grass Seed for Minnesota

Best Lawn Grass Seeds For Minnesota

Grasses used in Minnesota generally consist of bluegrass or bluegrass mixtures.

Kentucky Bluegrass
Kentucky bluegrass is the most widely used turfgrass in Minnesota. With proper management, it forms a long lasting lawn, and it is an aggressive sod former. Bluegrass grows rapidly during cool, moist weather, with slower growth during hot, dry weather. When rainfall is not adequate, watering is necessary to maintain high quality. All cultivars respond well to a mowing height of 1 ½ to 2 ½ inches.

Many cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass are available, and new selections are constantly being introduced. Cultivars may differ in color, disease resistance, vigor, and amount of care required for best performance. Unfortunately, no single cultivar provides ideal performance under every condition. Even disease resistance can change as new strains of diseases appear.

Fine-leafed Fescues
Fine-leafed fescues are cool season turfgrasses that are more tolerant of shade and infertile, droughty soils than Kentucky bluegrasses. The fine-leafed fescues are best adapted to dry, shady sites and will not tolerate wet, poorly drained soils. Compared to bluegrasses, fescues require minimal levels of management, including less fertilizer and water. Excessive fertilization or irrigation can cause a severe thinning of a fine-leafed fescue lawn. Leafspot diseases can also cause an extensive thinning of the lawn during midsummer. For these reasons, fine-leafed fescues are seldom grown alone, but are primarily used in mixtures with bluegrasses. Red fescue, chewings fescue and hard fescue are the three fine-leafed fescue species grown in Minnesota. Red fescue is a sod former, while chewings fescue and hard fescue are bunch-type grasses.

Perennial Ryegrasses
Perennial ryegrasses have an erect bunch-type growth habit with rapid seed germination and establishment. Medium levels of fertility and well-drained soils are preferred. Both common and improved perennial ryegrasses are available. Common or unimproved types tend to be short-lived, due to lack of winter hardiness. These common types also have a coarse appearance and a tough fibrous leaf with poor mowing quality. Improved cultivars developed for turf use have greater winter hardiness and better mowing characteristics. Only these improved cultivars should be considered for a lawn where rapid cover and wear tolerance are required. Ryegrasses may be seeded in combination with bluegrasses to establish a lawn on sloping areas where erosion is a potential problem.

Rough Bluegrass
Rough bluegrass forms a light green prostrate turf that is adapted to moist, shaded conditions. It is superior to Kentucky bluegrass in establishment vigor, but will not tolerate traffic or hot, dry conditions. It does not blend well with most turfgrasses, due to its light green color. Rough bluegrass is not recommended except for wet, shaded sites where fine-leaved fescues will not persist.

Turf Type, Tall Fescues
A new generation of finer textured, tall fescues has been introduced. These grasses have shown to be very wear and drought tolerant. Disease and insect problems have been minimal and performance on dry, sandy sites has been very good. They will also perform well in sun and shade. Winter hardiness seems adequate in southeast Minnesota, but hardiness in other areas is unknown. Tall fescues are bunch type grasses and should not be used for overseeding or mixed with other grass species. At this time, turf type, tall fescues should be used on a trial basis.

Click Name To View Grass Seed Choice   Type Applications
Cool Season Mix - Showtime Cool Season Lawns - Full Sun to Moderate Shade
Rye, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fine Fescue Mix
Cool Season Mix - Garland Cool Season Lawns - Full Sun to Moderate Shade
Rye, Fine Fescue Mix
Fescue/Bluegrass Mix - Combat Extreme North Cool Season Lawns - Wear Tolerant
Fescue Blend - Combat Extreme Transition Cool Season Lawns - Wear Tolerant
Fine Fescue Blend - Legacy Cool Season Lawns - Full Sun To Moderate Shade
Kentucky Bluegrass - Bluegrass Supreme Cool Season Lawns - Golf Gourses - Full Sun
Kentucky Bluegrass - Midnight Cool Season Lawns - Golf Courses - Full Sun
OSP Ryegrass Cool Season Lawns - Golf Courses
Shade Grass - Poa Supina Mix Cool Season Lawns - Full Sun - Deep Shade - Best Shade Grass
Image Title

Legacy Fine Fescue

Over the centuries, fine fescues have been renowned for their survival under extreme conditions. They grow in infertile and dry soils, tolerate close mowing heights, deep shade and grow in places where turf is neglected, tortured and forgotten. In these areas, fescues endure.
  • Close-Mowing
  • Lawns
  • Resilient
Image Title

Combat Extreme Northern

Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed has improved germination which allows it to establish more quickly than other varieties and its lower growth habit significantly reduces the amount of top growth. It does extremely well in full sun or partial shade in USDA Zones 4 - 5. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass has the addition of Kentucky Bluegrass for extra cold tolerance and turf density. Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone grass seed an excellent choice for professional or home use.
  • Excellent Color
  • Withstands Cold Weather
  • Cost Effective

Below is the USDA Zone Map for Minnesota so you can determine which zone you reside in. Below that are our picks for your state which will do best in your area. Next on this page are tables which list various grasses and their characteristics so you can compare before you decide on your purchase. Click on the product name (ie. Midnight) for more information about that grass and to make your purchase.

USDA Zone Map For Minnesota
Minnesota Grass Seed Minnesota Zones

Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics
Cool Season
Bluegrass - Kentucky Moderate
to Fine
Slow Moderate
to High
to High
Good Moderate Poor
Bluegrass - Rough Moderate
to Fine
Slow Moderate
to High
to High
Poor Moderate Excellent
Fescue - Turf Type Moderate
to Coarse
Moderate Moderate
to High
Low to
Excellent Low Good to
Ryegrass - Perennial Fine to
Very Fast Moderate
to High
to High
Good Poor to
Poor to
Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics - Continued
Cool Season
Acid Soil
Bluegrass - Kentucky Medium Medium
to High
Medium High Medium Medium Medium
Bluegrass - Rough Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium Medium
Fescue - Turf Type Low to
to High
to High
Medium High Low High
Ryegrass - Perennial Medium High Low to
Medium Medium Low Medium
to High