Maya (Blackjack II) Bermuda Lawn Grass Seed For Planting

Blackjack II Maya Bermuda Grass Seed

10 LBS
25 LBS
50 LBS


Grow a Maya (Blackjack II) lawn from grass seed and enjoy the fast coverage and establishment. Blackjack warm season bermuda seed produces a fine-textured, carpet-like, dark green grass turf. Over-seed an existing lawn with Maya, a top-quality variety, to add density and deep green color to your established warm-season turf. Best in full sun in USDA zones 8 - 10.


Blackjack ii maya Yukon Royal txd Full house blend Oasis Monaco
From the producers of Blackjack Bermudagrass, this new variety is bred to improve on those same qualities of the original. Growing Maya (Blackjack II) Bermuda seed rewards you with a fine-textured, carpet-like, dark green Bermuda grass turf. Blackjack Bermuda grass seed produces a high-quality seeded Bermuda grass that is perfect for the home lawn, parks, or sports fields. Grow a Maya Bermuda grass lawn and enjoy the unsurpassed dark green color in a seeded Bermuda grass. It is available in 4 different sizes to suit your different needs.
Achieve a vibrant, easy-to-maintain lawn with Blackjack II Maya Bermuda grass seeds by preparing the soil, sowing at a rate of 2-3 lbs per 1,000 square feet, and keeping the area moist until germination. This Bermuda grass thrives in full sun and partial shade and adapts beautifully across the Southern third of the U.S., including Southern California and Arizona. Maintain your lawn at mowing heights from 0.5 to 2 inches and apply 3 to 5 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet each growing season. For optimal results, never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade per mowing, ensuring a lush, dense, and green turf perfect for any season.
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High Germination Rate
Blackjack II Maya Bermuda grass seed boasts a high germination rate due to its superior seedling vigor and optimized genetic selection. The genetic makeup of Maya Bermuda grass has been optimized through selective breeding to enhance traits that promote rapid germination and early establishment.
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Fine-Textured and Dense Turf
Enjoy a fine-textured and dense turf with Blackjack II Maya Bermuda Grass Seed. This variety produces a carpet-like, dark green bermuda grass that is ideal for those seeking bermudagrass seeds for lawn. The fine texture of the grass allows for better soil contact and good soil contact ensures that the seeds can absorb water and nutrients efficiently from the soil.
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USDA Zone 8 Adaptive
Maya (Blackjack II) Bermuda Grass is well-suited to endure the hot summers typical of Zone 8 - 10 due to its remarkable ability to thrive in hot, dry summers and its cold tolerance. Its drought resistance ensures resilience during dry periods, and it withstands mild winter conditions, maintaining a lush, green appearance year-round.
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Good Shade and Traffic Tolerant
Our Maya bermuda seeds are good at tolerating shade and traffic due to its dense growth pattern and robust root system. The dense growth helps it thrive in partially shaded areas by maximizing light absorption, while the strong root system allows it to recover quickly from physical damage caused by foot traffic.
This southern grass seed fosters family bonding by providing a lush, soft, and carpet-like texture, creating a comfortable and inviting space for outdoor activities. Its excellent traffic tolerance ensures it can withstand the wear and tear of kids playing and family gatherings, while its vibrant green color enhances the aesthetic appeal of your lawn, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and recreation.
Transform your outdoor space with Blackjack II Maya Bermuda grass seed, which produces a lush, durable greenery perfect for any season. This premium-quality Bermuda grass seed blend provides a vibrant, thick turf that enhances the beauty of your lawn. Ideal for Bermuda grass seeds, bermudagrass seeds for lawn, and Bermuda seeds for southern lawns, it thrives in the hottest summer months and shows remarkable cold tolerance. This seed blend ensures a dense, green lawn that elevates your outdoor spaces year-round, offering a low-maintenance and resilient turf solution.

From the producers of Blackjack Bermudagrass, this new variety is bred to improve on those same qualities of the original. Growing Maya (Blackjack II) Bermuda seed rewards you with a fine-textured, carpet-like, dark green Bermuda Grass turf. Maya grass seed produces a top-quality seeded Bermuda grass that is perfect for the home lawn, parks or sports fields. Grow a Maya Bermuda grass lawn and enjoy the unsurpassed dark green color in a seeded Bermuda grass. This grass seed is also used for over-seeding an already established Bermuda turf. This vigorous, fine-bladed cultivar adds color and density to any warm-season blend. Maya lawn seed produces a sun-loving turf that performs throughout the hottest summer months, and in addition, Maya (Blackjack II) shows remarkable cold tolerance even in cold winter areas. If planting sprigs or plugs makes your back sore, consider Maya seeded Bermudagrass for a drought tolerant lawn. You'll get a dense green lawn all summer long.

  • Deep green color
  • Carpet-like density
  • Extra cold tolerances
  • Super-fine texture
  • Superior seedling vigor
  • Good shade tolerance compared to other Bermudagrasses
  • Good drought tolerance
  • Good traffic tolerance

Seeding Rate:
New Turf Applications: Sow 2 - 3 lbs. of coated Bermuda Grass seed per 1000 sq. ft. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination.

A Maya Bermuda Grass lawn can be maintained at mowing heights from 0.5 inches to 2 inches. Applying 3 to 5 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet per growing season is adequate. Do not remove over 1/3 of the leaf blade per mowing for healthy turf.

Maya (Blackjack II) Bermuda Grass Adaptation: Across the Southern 1/3 of the U.S. Including Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Hawaii.

Planting Guide




Spring 65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 Inch


Broadcast or Drill


1/2 - 1 inch


Full Sun


8 - 10

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium











Yukon Bermuda grass seed is the best choice for turf managers needing an exceptional seeded Bermuda grass, no matter what Bermuda growing zone they are in worldwide! This drought tolerant Bermuda turf grass seed is a synthetic variety produced by the inter-crossing of five parental plants that were selected based on high turf quality - making it the most cold tolerant Bermudagrass. This grass variety is available in 3 different sizes to suit your gardening needs.
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High Traffic Tolerance
Perfect for high traffic areas, bermuda grass seeds create a resilient lawn that withstands heavy foot traffic. Ideal for parks, sports fields, and residential lawns, hybrid bermuda grass seed ensures a durable and long-lasting turf with superior durability. This makes it a great choice for areas needing high traffic grass seed.
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Superb Winter Hardiness
Known for superb winter hardiness, bermuda grass seeds thrive in colder climates where others struggle. Offering extended green seasons, it stays green longer before dormancy, making it ideal for colder regions. This cold-tolerant bermudagrass grass seed provides excellent winter survival and early spring green-up.
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Exceptional Turf Performance
Yukon Bermuda grass seed offers exceptional turf performance with high ratings in turf quality, color, density, and texture. It outperforms other varieties in university trials, making it a great choice for premium turf projects. Using bermuda grass seed bulk for large areas ensures superior performance.
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Spring Dead Spot Resistant
Highly resistant to Spring Dead Spot, Yukon bermuda grass seed ensures a healthier, more attractive lawn throughout the year. If you used other bermuda grass in these transition zone areas and have had significant cold season, early seeding with Yukon will insure a bermuda grass cover this year and into the future.
Renowned for its terrific cold tolerance, yukon bermuda grass seed can be planted further north without winter damage and stays green longer before dormancy. It is the most cold-tolerant bermuda grass seed available, perfect for colder climates. Yukon uses up to 25% less water than other Bermuda grasses, while maintaining superior turf quality.
Premier seeded bermuda grass seed offers superior turf quality, performing exceptionally well in various climates, from the equator to transition zones. With its excellent winter survival, drought tolerance and cold tolerance, Yukon Bermudagrass seed becomes a stand-alone choice for transition zone plantings. Additionally, this grass seed is a good choice for creating a putting green for the backyard.
Begin your journey to a greener lawn with Yukon bermuda grass seed. Sow 2-3 pounds per 1,000 square feet and plant seeds 1/8 to 1/4 inch deep. Keep the soil moist until germination, then water weekly to maintain uniform dark green color. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination. This bermuda grass seed ensures a lush, green, low-maintenance lawn, providing excellent turf quality with minimal effort.

Bermudagrass Cultivars: Percent of Live Grass, Spring After Winter Kill
2007 NTEP – 2010 Data
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater
Percent Live Grass Shown 0-100% (LSD 31.6)


Percent of Spring Green-up Ratings of Bermudagrass
2007 NTEP – 2009 Data
Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg
Percent Spring Greenup;
Percentage Shown 0-100% (LSD 16.3%)

  • Early Spring Green-up
  • Superb winter hardiness
  • Top NTEP ratings for turf quality
  • Outstanding drought tolerance
  • Higher stolon density
  • Spring Dead Spot resistance
  • Uniform, dark green color
  • Excellent alternative to sprigs & sod
  • Short internodes
  • Reduced vertical growth
  • Ultra dense, ultra fine texture
  • Increased Fall color retention
  • Seed new turf: Sow 2-3 pounds of coated bermuda turf grass seed per 1,000 square feet (90-125 pounds per acre). Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination.
  • Seedling Emergence: 14 - 21 days
  • Full coverage: 30 - 60 days from Bermuda grass seed
  • First limited use: 60 - 90 days
  • Seeding Rate: Sow 2-3 pounds of Yukon Bermuda putting grass seed per 1,000 square feet (90-125 pounds per acre)

The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bermuda grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bermuda grass seed is certified!

Planting Guide




Spring 65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 Inch


Broadcast or Drill


1/2 - 1 inch


Full Sun


6 - 10

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium











Royal TXD (formerly LaPrima XD) with "X-treme Density" is a Bermuda grass seed blend of superior seeded Bermuda grass cultivars selected for fast germination and establishment, combined with the highest turf quality. The cultivars selected for this blend are adapted for superior performance under a broad range of environmental conditions. Royal TXD grass seed can be used from the transition zone through temperate, subtropical, and tropical areas of the world. This seed blend is available in 5 different sizes to suit your gardening needs.
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Excellent Turf Quality
Royal TXD Bermuda Grass Seed delivers excellent turf quality and high density for a lush, uniform surface. This fast-germinating seed ensures rapid cover and quick divot recovery, making it ideal for establishing new Bermuda grass turf efficiently. It can be over-seeded into common or other Bermuda grass to enhance density, as well as into existing vegetative hybrid Bermuda grass stands for repair.
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Dark Green Color
Achieve a vibrant, dark green color that maintains its rich hue even under variable soil conditions. This blend of Yukon Bermuda grass seed, Royal Bengal Bermuda grass seed, and Copperhead Bermuda grass seed offers excellent winter color retention and a vibrant, dark green hue. This premium seed ensures an attractive lawn year-round, maintaining its rich color even in cooler months.
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High Wear Tolerance
Perfect for areas with heavy foot traffic, this hybrid Bermuda grass seed blend provides exceptional wear tolerance. Ideal for golf courses, sports fields, and highly trafficked lawns, it ensures a durable, resilient turf that withstands wear and tear while maintaining excellent turf quality and density, making it a top choice for busy landscapes.
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Enjoy a resilient and sustainable lawn with drought-tolerant Bermuda grass seed, adapting well to various soil types and water conditions. This blend reduces the need for frequent watering and provides excellent turf quality even in drought-prone areas. The drought-resistant grass seed ensures your lawn stays green and healthy even in dry conditions.
Royal TXD Bermuda Seed offers excellent turf quality and high density, with remarkable winter hardiness and adaptability to all maintenance levels. It thrives in variable soil conditions and demonstrates high fertilizer efficiency, tolerating poor quality and effluent water. This high-performance grass seed is ideal for regions ranging from the transition zone to the equator. Perfect for both residential and commercial use, it ensures a lush, resilient lawn throughout diverse climates.
This Bermuda grass seed blend of high-performing seeded Bermudagrasses has high genetic diversity and density to provide superior turf. Featuring a mix of premium Bermuda grasses, this blend includes Yukon, Royal Bengal, and Copperhead for superior turf quality. With its exceptional genetic diversity and density, this premium mix ensures a lush, resilient lawn. Ideal for diverse climates and soil conditions, this blend offers vibrant color, durability, and adaptability. This Bermuda grass seed bulk option is perfect for larger areas requiring high-quality turf.
Ensure easy establishment and rapid divot recovery with this Bermuda seeds. For new turf, sow 2-3 pounds per 1,000 sq feet, and for existing turf, sow 0.5-1.5 pounds per 1,000 sq feet. Water lightly but frequently, and maintain mowing heights between 1-1.5 inches for optimal results, ensuring a healthy and attractive lawn with minimal effort. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination. This grass seed Bermuda blend is ideal for rapid grass Bermuda establishment.

Royal TXD (formerly LaPrima XD) with "X-treme Density" is a Bermuda grass seed blend of superior seeded Bermuda grass cultivars selected for fast germination and establishment, combined with the highest turf quality.

This blend combines Yukon, Royal Bengal, and Copperhead -- selected for superior turf quality, drought tolerance, fast establishment, rapid divot recovery and good turf quality. The cultivars selected for this blend are adapted for superior performance under a broad range of environmental conditions. Royal TXD can be used for golf course tees, fairways and roughs, sports fields, home lawns, parks and commercial sites around the world.

Bermuda grass seed is ideal for use on golf courses, tees, fairways and roughs, sports fields, parks and home lawns, wherever Bermuda grass is adapted.

This Bermuda grass seed blend of top performing seeded Bermudagrasses has high genetic diversity and density to provide superior turf. After the initial establishment, the lower growing, more dense varieties will dominate under proper maintenance practices. Royal TXD grass seed can be used from the transition zone through temperate, subtropical and tropical areas of the world. This premium grass seed is easily planted, allowing for a much faster and far less expensive establishment. Royal TXD seed can be over-seeded into stands of common or other seeded Bermuda grass to improve the density and turf quality. Royal TXD seed may also be over-seeded into existing stands of vegetative, hybrid Bermuda grasses for repair.

  • Germination: Grass seed germinates in 5 - 7 days
  • Planting: Plant when soil temperature are a minimum of 65F
  • First mowing: 18 - 21 days, depending on usage
  • Full coverage in 4-6 weeks under ideal conditions
  • New Turf: Sow 2–3 pounds of coated Royal TXD Bermuda grass seed/1,000 sq feet. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination.
  • Repair or Existing Turf: Sow 0.5–1.5 pounds of coated Royal TXD Bermudagrass seed/1,000 sq. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination.
  • Excellent turf quality and high density
  • Fast germinating Bermuda grass seed for rapid cover
  • Excellent winter color retention
  • Vibrant, dark green color
  • Drought tolerant
  • High winter hardiness
  • Adapted for all maintenance levels
  • Excellent wear tolerance
  • Tolerates poor quality and effluent water
  • High performance from transition zone to the equator
  • Rapid divot recovery and can easily establish new Bermudagrass seed
  • Uniform Bermuda grass turf surface
  • High fertilizer efficiency
  • Withstands variable soil conditions

The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bermuda grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bermuda grass seed is certified!

Planting Guide




Spring 65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 Inch


Broadcast or Drill


1/2 - 1 inch


Full Sun


6 - 10

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium











Outsidepride Full House bermudagrass seed offers a superior blend of Hollywood and Monaco varieties. This elite seed mix delivers exceptional turf quality, density, and color, making it ideal for golf courses, lawns, parks, and sports areas in warm, humid, and semiarid regions. Full House combines the strengths of its parent varieties, providing excellent traffic tolerance, drought resistance, and plant sickness resilience, with a rich, dark color that rivals vegetative bermudagrass. It's a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative for establishing high-quality turf in full sun on well-drained soil. Our Full House Bermuda grass seeds offer a versatile and convenient solution for all your lawn needs, available in three sizes: 1LB, 2LBS, and 5LBS.
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Minimal Watering
Designed to thrive with minimal watering, our Bermuda seed establishes deep roots that efficiently utilize available moisture. Once established, our Bermuda grass requires less frequent watering, making it a practical choice for conserving water and reducing overall maintenance. This resilience ensures a lush, green lawn without the constant need for irrigation, perfect for busy homeowners
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Drought and Cold
Our Bermuda grass seed blend is engineered to withstand extreme conditions, offering excellent tolerance to both drought and cold. Its robust root system allows it to survive prolonged dry spells, while its adaptability ensures it remains resilient through colder temperatures. This makes our Bermuda grass an ideal choice for regions with varying climates, providing a durable lawn year-round, regardless of weather challenges.
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Full Sun
Our grass seed flourishes in full sun, making it perfect for open, sunny areas. It is formulated to thrive under direct sunlight, ensuring optimal growth and vibrant green color. Its sun-loving nature allows it to develop dense, lush turf, outcompeting other grasses that may struggle in intense sunlight. With our Bermuda grass, you ensure a healthy, robust lawn that remains beautiful and vigorous in the brightest conditions.
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Tough Traffic Tolerant Turf
Our Bermuda grass seed blend is renowned for its traffic tolerance, making it the ideal solution for high-use areas. Whether it's a backyard with active kids and pets or a recreational field, our Bermuda grass stands up to heavy foot traffic without losing its lush appearance. Its strong, resilient blades recover quickly from compaction and wear, providing a durable and visually appealing turf.
Full House’s texture and dark color strongly resemble the elite vegetative bermudas. For most applications, Full House can be established by seed instead of more costly and time-consuming vegetative varieties. Our elite turf blends for superior sports fields are engineered to enhance your outdoor area with lush, thick turf, giving your lawn a vibrant, green appearance. This premium-tier Bermuda grass seed excels in traffic tolerance and durability, making it perfect for sports fields and other high-traffic areas including areas of the Transition Zone. Our Full House Bermuda grass seed mix is ideal for creating a professional-grade lawn that can handle heavy use. Full House is not recommended for putting greens.
Experience unmatched turf excellence with Outsidepride Full House Bermuda grass seed blend. Designed for superior strength and beauty, our blend of Hollywood and Monaco seeds is perfect for various outdoor spaces, including sports fields. These varieties have been meticulously developed and proven in NTEP trials for their superior overall quality. This high-quality turf ensures a lush, green lawn that stands up to heavy use, ideal for athletes and active environments. Our Bermuda grass seed is the go-to choice for achieving professional-grade turf that enhances any playing field. Trust our hybrid Bermuda grass seeds to deliver the resilient, vibrant lawn you need.
To ensure optimal growth, prepare the soil by ensuring it is well-drained and free of debris, and consider aerating it for better germination. Spread the seed evenly using a rate of 2 to 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Plant when you can ensure there will not be a frost in the next 6 weeks and when average soil temperatures are above 65 degrees. Keep the area moist until the grass germinates, then reduce watering as the grass becomes more drought-tolerant. Maintain your lawn by mowing when it reaches 1 inch, removing no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade, and fertilizing as needed to promote healthy growth and vibrant color.

Hollywood and Monaco create a winning combination in Full House bermudagrass. Hollywood and Monaco were top performing varieties in overall quality, traffic tolerance, and color in their respective NTEP trials (2007 and 2013). With Full House we combined two elite seeded varieties – Hollywood and Monaco – to create a blend that benefits from the strengths of each variety. These varieties are similar in color, texture, and quality, but each was developed from diverse parental lines. This diversity provides a winning combination of characteristics in overall turf quality, density, genetic color, fall color, winter color, spring greenup, leaf texture, establishment, drought tolerance and disease.

Applications: Full House’s texture and dark color strongly resembles the elite vegetative bermudas. For most applications, Full House can be established by seed in place of more costly and time-consuming vegetative varieties. Use this elite blend for golf courses (fairways, tees, and roughs), lawns, parks, business landscapes, and sports areas in warm, humid, and semiarid regions, including areas of the Transition Zone. Full House is not recommended for putting greens.

Establishment: Full House rates highly for percent establishment, but extra care should be taken during the first year for complete establishment and competition against weeds. For best results, plant in areas of full sunlight when soil temperatures reach 65ËšF or greater. Cover seed with no more than 1/4" of soil. Maintain adequate soil moisture around seed using frequent but light irrigation. During the grow-in phase, it is recommended to apply 0.5lbs. Nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. every two weeks with the first application made 2 weeks after emergence. Continue this schedule for 60-90 days then apply 0.75-1.5lbs. Nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. each month of the growing season. The management intensity level will determine the amount of nitrogen required monthly. Sports turf installations should use the higher rate while residential lawns may prefer to use the lower rate. It should also be noted that in fall, when Full House is preparing for dormancy, it is recommended to apply additional amounts of potassium while significantly reducing nitrogen.

Why A Full House Bermuda Grass Blend

When To Plant:

Soil Temperature - Plant when average soil temperatures are above 65 degrees.

Time Before Frost - Plant when you can ensure there will not be a frost in the next 6 weeks

Soil Preparation:

Soil Aeration - Use either manual or chemical means to aerate soil and improve germination. This replaces mechanical aeration and adds beneficial microbes to the soil.

Raking - Rake the area to remove any debris that would prevent the seed from contacting soil.

Water Requirements:

Germination - Keeps seeds moist until germination and then reduce watering frequency and increase watering duration.

After Establishment - Water 1 inch on a weekly basis to retain its color during summer; however, this much water is not needed for survival as it is quite resistant to drought.

Golf course fairways and tees, manicured home lawns and well maintained areas of sports turf and parks.

  • Bermuda Grass Seeding Rate: 2 - 3 pounds of coated seed per 1000 square feet of certified seed, hulled, coated form. Coated seeds are easier to spread and retain moisture better which improves germination.
  • Time to Plant: Plant Bermuda Grass seed when soil temperatures are consistently above 65° F
  • Where to Plant: In full sun on well drained soil. Proper drainage is essential for successful establishment and the development of a mature, healthy putting green.
  • Planting Method: Do not cover the bermuda seed with too much soil - no more than 1/16 inch.
  • Water: Soil moisture for this putting green seed must be maintained for about 1-2 weeks or until germination.
  • Days to Germinate: After planting Full House bermuda seed, with ideal conditions, germination may begin within 7 days. Allow 10 to 14 days for completion for bermudagrass seed.
  • Establishment Time: Under ideal conditions, full coverage may be attained between 4 to 6 weeks. If planting the putting green seed occurs early or late in the season, more time may be needed for establishment.
  • First Mowing: When grass is 1 inch tall. It is recommended that no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade be removed per mowing.
  • Mower/Mowing Height/Frequency: Best if mowed between 0.5 and 1 inch and can be mowed clear down to 0.25 inches. Mow at higher heights for general purpose home lawns (1.25 up to 2 inches) - Rotary mowers are fine for heights above 1.25 inches. Most home / commercial lawns are best maintained at 1.5 to 2.0 inches for a good overall look. Rotary mowers can usually be used at heights above 1.5 inches.
  • Winter Over-seeding: May be done for year round green color, but not generally recommended on Bermudagrass less than 6 to 8 months of age. Immature turf may be damaged by the verticutting and scalping procedures, leaving it unable to compete with the over-seeded species during the spring transition.
  • Maintenance: This hybrid is dense. Periodic verticutting may be required under high maintenance conditions.

Monaco is coated with Yellow Jacket Enhanced Seed Coating. Yellow Jacket is like having a sponge around each and every seed. Once water is applied, the coating holds that moisture and other nutrients around the seed - making them available as needed for germination and establishment. Without coating, the water simply passes the seed allowing it to dry out, resulting in more frequent watering and increased expense.

Featuring a starch-based super-absorbent capable of holding up to 600 times its own weight in water, University of New Mexico trials demonstrate Yellow Jacket enhanced seed establishes faster than raw seed and requires less water. Faster, stronger turf establishment provides superior natural competition to weeds and disease. This results in improved turf quality, reduced establishment costs and faster utilization of a newly seeded area.

The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bermuda grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bermuda grass seed is certified!

Planting Guide




Spring 65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 Inch


Broadcast or Drill


1/2 - 1 inch

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium









Oasis Bermuda grass seed is a blend of improved turf-type Bermuda grasses, selected for increased genetic diversity and a broader spectrum of adaptation compared to an individual variety. Research shows that grass seed blends express the strengths of the component varieties while masking individual varietal weaknesses. The current blend includes some of the most popular Bermuda seeds. Our Bermuda seed is available in 4 different sizes to suit your gardening needs.
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3-in-1 Blend
The 3-in-1 blend of Oasis Bermuda lawn grass seed mix offers enhanced genetic diversity, ensuring a robust lawn that adapts well to various conditions. This blend is ideal for golf courses, sports fields, parks, and home lawns. Each variety contributes its strengths, resulting in a superior grass seed blend that outdo single-variety bermuda grass seed.
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Erosion Control
Oasis Bermuda grass seed provides exceptional erosion control. This blend creates a dense and durable turf cover that stabilizes soil and prevents erosion. Our bermudagrass seed ensures the soil remains intact and provides a reliable solution for erosion control, outperforming common Bermuda grass seeds in both public and private trials.
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Heat and Drought Tolerant
Our grass seed is engineered for challenging climates, excelling in heat and drought tolerance. This blend thrives in hot, dry regions, making it perfect for areas with extreme weather conditions. It requires minimal watering once established. Choose Oasis for a dependable, heat-tolerant turf solution ideal for full sun applications.
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Crowds Out Unwanted Plants
Our Bermuda grass excels at crowding out unwanted plants, ensuring your lawn remains thick and healthy. Its dense growth habit naturally suppresses invasive plants by limiting the space and resources they need to thrive. This results in a lush, green lawn with minimal maintenance required to keep a robust, aesthetically pleasing landscape..
Oasis Bermuda grass seed is a premium blend of Chilly Verde, Maya, and Transcontinental varieties. The varieties in Oasis were selected to complement each other, each contributing their strengths. Compared to the individual varieties making up Oasis, the resulting blend will produce superior turf, broader adaptability, improved performance, and versatility. In public and private trials, all of the components of Oasis have exceeded the turf quality of common bermudagrass by over 20%.
Oasis Bermuda grass seed is known for its quick germination and rapid growth, making it ideal for those looking to establish a beautiful Bermuda lawn swiftly. The germination period is between 7-14 days, with the first mow expected in 21-28 days, and the lawn ready for use in 35-42 days. This fast-growing grass seed blend ensures you can enjoy a dense, green lawn in a short time. Perfect for golf courses, sports fields, and home lawns, Oasis Bermuda grass seed provides a reliable solution for those seeking rapid grass establishment.
Oasis Bermuda Grass Seed is incredibly versatile and can thrive in various conditions. It has been coated with inoculant for better establishment and is designed to grow almost anywhere, with seeding rates of 2-3 pounds per 1,000 square feet and a seeding depth of no deeper than 1/4 inch. Plant Oasis Bermuda Grass when soil temperatures exceed 65°F and there's no risk of frost for at least six weeks. After establishment, less frequent deep watering is preferred on an "as needed" basis. After 3 - 4 weeks mow to 1 inch. Maintain a one-inch mowing height for the next month, and then reduce plant height to the desired height of 1/2 - 3/4 inch or as desired. To prevent plant scalping when mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade per mowing.

Oasis is a blend of improved turf type bermuda grasses, selected for increased genetic diversity and a broader spectrum of adaptation when compared to an individual variety. Research shows that grass seed blends express the strengths of the component varieties, while masking individual varietal weaknesses. Current blend includes some of the most popular bermuda seeds on the market: Chilly Verde, Maya, and Transcontinental.

The varieties in Oasis were selected to complement each other, each contributing their strengths. When compared to the individual varieties making up Oasis, the resulting blend will produce superior turf. In public and private trials, all of the components of Oasis have exceeded the turf quality of common bermudagrass by over 20%.

This top notch bermuda seed blend can be used on golf course fairways and tees, sporting fields, parks, home lawns and commercial sites where full sun turf applications and drought tolerance are required.

Plant at 2-3 pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet when soil temperatures exceed 65 Fahrenheit. Cover with soil no deeper than 1/4 inch. Keep the soil surface moist a minimum of 1 - 2 weeks or until the turf is established. After establishment, less frequent deep watering is preferred on a "as needed" basis. After 3 - 4 weeks mow to 1 inch. Maintain a once inch mowing height for the next month, and then reduce plant height to the desired height of 1/2 - 3/4 inch or as desired. To prevent plant scalping when mowing, never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade per mowing.

Planting Guide




Spring 65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 Inch


Broadcast or Drill


1/2 - 1 inch


Full Sun


8 - 10

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium











Monaco is a superior seeded bermudagrass that is excellent for use on golf courses, sports turf, and higher-quality lawns. However, it is not recommended to construct a putting green with Monaco as a base. Monaco is a synthetic variety produced by the intercrossing of five clonal parent lines which results in superior genetic integrity and seed quality year in and year out. It has excellent density and wear tolerance. Bred for a genetically darker green color, it also has quicker spring green-up, high fall color retention, and winter hardiness, Monaco will make a great addition to your landscape! Our Bermuda seeds are available in 4 different sizes to suit your gardening needs.
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Excellent Density
Our Monaco Bermuda grass seed offers exceptional density, making it ideal for a durable, high-density lawn. This seed establishes quickly, producing fine-bladed, thick turf. Perfect for large lawns or sports fields, it ensures a uniform, visually appealing landscape that withstands wear and tear.
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Darker Green Color
Achieve a stunning, darker green lawn with our Monaco Bermuda seed. Known for its rich, deep green hue, this bermuda grass seed for southern lawns provides a vibrant, elegant appearance. Perfect for both residential and professional use, this bermudagrass seed maintains its color even in high temperatures.
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Winter Hardy
Outsidepride Bermuda grass seed is exceptionally winter hardy, ensuring your lawn remains resilient through colder months. This grass seed variant is engineered to withstand frost and low temperatures, minimizing damage and dieback. Monaco exhibits superior adaptability which makes it perfect for transition climates.
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Early Spring Green-up
Designed for quick dormancy break, this rapid grass Bermuda variety has a characteristic of early spring green-up which ensures a lush, green lawn earlier in the season. Perfect for homeowners and professionals, this Bermuda grass seed sets the stage for a beautiful yard throughout the warmer months.
Discover the perfect blend of durability and quality with our Monaco Bermuda grass seeds. Ideal for high-traffic areas, it offers cost-effective solutions, thrives in stressful conditions, and is easily repaired, ensuring a robust, visually appealing lawn. With excellent adaptability, this hybrid Bermuda grass seed is perfect for maintaining durable, green fields that withstand the wear and tear of active use. Elevate your lawn care with a grass seed that promises both resilience and beauty.
Outsidepride Monaco Bermuda Seed boasts the advanced yellow jacket enhanced seed coating, featuring a starch-based super-absorbent capable of holding up to 600 times its weight in water. This cutting-edge technology ensures that once water is applied, the coating locks in moisture and vital nutrients around each seed. This enhanced retention significantly boosts germination and establishment rates. Without coating, the water simply passes the seed allowing it to dry out, resulting in more frequent watering and increased expense. This results in improved turf quality, reduced establishment costs, and faster utilization of a newly seeded area.
Our Monaco Bermuda Grass is designed to provide a dense, green, and resilient lawn. For optimal results, sow 2 to 3 lbs. of Monaco seed per 1000 square feet. Plant the seeds at a depth of 1/8 to 1/4 inch, ensuring proper coverage. Maintain adequate soil moisture with frequent but light irrigation to support germination. Begin mowing the new stand approximately 3 to 4 weeks after emergence depending on the conditions at the time of establishment. The recommended minimum mowing height during establishment is 1 inch. Once the Bermuda grass sod matures, the mowing height can be gradually reduced to a minimum of 3/8 of an inch. As the mowing height is decreased, the required management level will be increased.


Monaco is a superior seeded bermudagrass that is excellent for use on golf courses, sports turf, and higher quality lawns. It has excellent density and wear tolerance. Bred for a genetically darker green color, it also has quicker spring green-up, high fall color retention, and winter hardiness, Monaco will make a great addition to your landscape! Continuing the legacy founded by Riviera, we are pleased to announce the newest release from Johnston Seed's breeding program - Monaco seeded bermudagrass! Monaco is a synthetic variety produced by the intercrossing of five clonal parent lines which results in superior genetic integrity and seed quality year in and year out. A highly ranked variety tested in the 2013 NTEP trials, Monaco possesses a rare combination of traits in exceptional wear tolerance, winter hardiness, and spring green-up. These traits produce a quality grass surface that appears early, withstands a multitude of stresses, and stays late into the year.

Monaco can be used as a durable, high quality playing surface in golf courses, sports fields, and parks. It is not recommended to construct a putting green with Monaco as a base. Monaco also makes a very high quality lawn that can be easily repaired when needed via seed, or used to repair other bermudagrass areas. In terms of matching other varieties, Monaco has a medium to dark green color and is similar in leaf texture to vegetative types such as Patriot, Astro, and Celebration.

In the 2016 NTEP trials, Monaco was a proven performer. Rating high in several categories, Monaco specifically stood out in trials encompassing overall turfgrass quality, early spring green-up, and fall color. Included in over 10 trial sites from coast to coast and from the transition zone to the deep south, Monaco exhibits superior adaptability. This range of implementation makes it the perfect choice for traditional bermudagrass regions and transition climates alike.

For best results with this grass, Monaco should be planted in areas of full sunlight when soil temperatures reach 65° F (18° C) and rising. Seeding rate is 2 to 3 pounds of Monaco seed per 1000 square feet (1 to 1.5 kg/100 square meters) in a well-prepared firm seedbed. Cover seed with no more than 1/4 inch (6mm) of soil. Maintain adequate soil moisture around seed using frequent but light irrigation. During the grow-in phase, it is recommended to apply 0.5 lbs. nitrogen/1000 square feet every 2 weeks with the first application made 2 weeks after emergence. Continue this schedule for 60 to 90 days then apply 0.75 to 1.5 lbs. nitrogen/1000 square feet each month of the growing season. The management intensity level will determine the amount of nitrogen required monthly. Sports turf installations should use the higher rate while residential lawns may prefer to use the lower rate. It should also be noted that in fall, when Monaco is preparing for dormancy, it is recommended to apply additional amounts of potassium while significantly reducing nitrogen.

The Grass Seed Certification program establishes the genetic purity and germination of varieties, blends, and mixtures. The certification process begins with the proper field history before production and continues through the bagging of a grass seed lot with every step independently verified by Seed Certification personnel. Each bermuda grass seed lot to be certified is sampled by Certification personnel and tested in the state seed laboratory, so the grass seed you buy is the seed that was tested If even one standard in this process failed, the lot is uncertified. You can rest assured that your bermuda grass seed is certified!

Monaco is coated with Yellow Jacket Enhanced Seed Coating. Yellow Jacket is like having a sponge around each and every seed. Once water is applied, the coating holds that moisture and other nutrients around the seed - making them available as needed for germination and establishment. Without coating, the water simply passes the seed allowing it to dry out, resulting in more frequent watering and increased expense.

Featuring a starch-based super-absorbent capable of holding up to 600 times its own weight in water, University of New Mexico trials demonstrate Yellow Jacket enhanced seed establishes faster than raw seed and requires less water. Faster, stronger turf establishment provides superior natural competition to weeds and disease. This results in improved turf quality, reduced establishment costs and faster utilization of a newly seeded area.

Begin mowing the new stand approximately 3 to 4 weeks after emergence depending on the conditions at the time of establishment. The recommended minimum mowing height during establishment is 1 inch. Once the sod matures, the mowing height can be gradually reduced to a minimum of 3/8 of an inch. As the mowing height is decreased, the required management level will be increased.

Planting Guide




65F or up to 6 weeks before first frost


5 - 28 days


14 - 21 days


Surface to 1/8 inch


Broadcast or Drill



7 - 10

Grass Specifications




Fast Growing, Dark Green


Moderate to Fast


Moderate to Hiigh




Very Good


Low to Medium










