Anise Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Anise
Anise plants make lovely ornamental herbs with fern-like, finely divided leaves and small white flower umbels. Anise is originally from the Middle East, and it has quite a long history as a medicinal herb. It is sweet, highly aromatic and has a flavor similar to licorice. The leaves are often used to garnish dishes and are added to salads. The seeds are crushed and the flavoring is used in fruit dishes, pastries, and cheeses.
Planting Time
Directly sow Anise seeds outdoors in a prepared seedbed after the danger of frost has passed. Anise plants do not transplant well, so directly sowing is recommended.

Planting Location
Anise prefers full sun and well-draining soil that is rich with organic matter. Young plants are vulnerable to wind, so a barrier to protect them needs to be considered.

How to Plant Anise
- Work the garden soil 8 inches in depth or more
- Add organic compost to improve the soil
- Sow the seeds and lightly cover with soil
- Keep the seeds moist for germination
- Once seedlings are 6 weeks old, thin plants to 1 every 18 inches

Care And Maintenance
- Irrigate the Anise plants until they are established
- An application of compost or fertilizer is helpful prior to blooming
- The plant stems are weak, so provide staking or wind protection
- Snip leaves at any point to use fresh or dry
- For harvesting seeds, cut the flowery umbrella while it's still green
- Put the flowers in paper bags for drying and to collect the seeds
- Finish harvest prior to the first frost of fall