Hyssop Planting and Care Guide
Quick Facts About Hyssop
Honey bees will forage from Hyssop herbs over and over, and both hummingbirds and butterflies will be attracted as well. A mature Hyssop plant will have a nice, bushy form with many flower spikes lasting throughout the summer. This herb is from the mint family and has been grown for centuries as a medicinal herb.
Planting Time
Hyssop seeds can be started indoors prior the end of frost season. Or, directly sow the seeds in the garden after danger of frost has passed.
Planting Location
Hyssop herb plants perform best in full sun or partial shade in the afternoon. The plants need well-draining soil that has been amended with compost.
How to Plant Hyssop
- Work the garden soil 6 - 8 inches in depth
- Amend the soil with compost
- Sow the Hyssop seeds and lightly cover with soil
- Keep the seeds moist for germination
- Thin the seedling to 1 plant every 12 - 18 inches apart
- Or, transplant seedlings started indoors after hardening them off for 7 - 10 days
Care And Maintenance
- Irrigate Hyssop plants 2 - 3 times each week
- For harvesting, snip the stems in the morning prior to blooming for the best flavor
- Once blooming, deadhead the spent blooms to encourage a longer flowering season
- Hyssop flowers are also edible
- To dry, cut stems, tie together and hang upside down in a well ventilated room
- In the fall, cut the plant back and mulch around the base with compost
Hyssop Options
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White Hyssop
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Anise Hyssop
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Fragrant Hyssop
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