Rudbeckia Flower Seeds Planting Instructions

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Rudbeckia Planting and Care Guide

Quick Facts About Rudbeckia

Very well known and loved, Black-eyed Susans, are a bright spot for any garden or flower bed. They grow well in many locations, they are attractive to pollinators, and they make good flowers for cutting. Over the years, the Rudbeckia hirta wildflower has been hybridized, offering different shapes and colors, but it is still a reliable performer.

Planting Time

Rudbeckia flower seeds can be directly started outdoors in the late fall or early spring - experiencing cold temperatures will help with germination. If the seeds are started indoors, a cold treatment is needed.

Planting Location

Rudbeckia plants need full sun, and they perform well in many soil types, from sandy to clay.

How to Plant Rudbeckia

  • Prepare the Rudbeckia seeds for planting by putting the seeds in with some dampened soil or sand and keeping the seed/soil mix in the refrigerator for 30 days
  • After the cold period, start the flower seeds in starter trays
  • Sow the seeds onto the soil surface and press them into the soil
  • Keep moist and warm for germination
  • Harden off the seedlings for 7 - 10 days prior to transplanting out
  • Or, work the garden soil 4 - 6 inches in depth
  • Scatter the flower seeds on the surface and press them into the ground
  • Keep the seeds moist for germination
  • Thin to the strongest plant about 12 - 18 inches apart

Care And Maintenance

  • Rudbeckia plants need consistent moisture to establish
  • A light application of fertilizer will be beneficial
  • Deadheading the spent flowers will encourage more blooming
  • In the winter, cut back the dead stems and foliage
  • Rudbeckia does self-sow
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