Best Grass Seed for Missouri

Best Lawn Grass Seeds For Missouri

Grasses used in Missouri are primarily turf-type tall fescues and they are very adaptible to the Missouri climate. Ryegrass and bluegrass are two more cool season grasses that are used in Missouri. Along the southern region, you may find warm season grasses such as bermuda and zoysiagrass.

Cool-Season Grasses:
Tall fescue - Turf Type - Due to its heat and drought tolerance, it is a good general purpose turfgrass for Missouri. Tall fescue is a tall-growing, coarse- to medium-textured, bunch-type turfgrass that can be established by seed or sod. Tall fescue resists heavy wear and high temperatures. When adequately irrigated, it can be grown successfully in all parts of Missouri.

Kentucky bluegrass - The use of Kentucky bluegrass should be limited to the cooler parts of Missouri. Unlike perennial ryegrass, which is a bunch type turfgrass, Kentucky bluegrass spreads by rhizomes and withstands moderate traffic. Because of the rhizomes, Kentucky bluegrass recuperates well from wear injury. On athletic fields, it can be used in mixtures with perennial ryegrass and/or tall fescue.

Fine fescues - Fine Fescue is a shade tolerant turf grass with a medium to dark green color. Fine fescues grow best in cool humid regions, coastal regions and in high elevations. All varieties require little maintenance and like to be mowed at 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches. They have the finest leaves, the most shade tolerance and the lowest fertilizer, mowing and moisture requirements of all the cool season turf grasses. Chewings Fescue, Red Fescue, Creeping Red Fescue, Sheep Fescue and Hard Fescue are popular varieties of Fine Fescue. These varieties can be found on lawns, in parks, along road sides and other turf grass areas and extensively used in grass seed blends and mixes for both sunny and shady areas. Fine Fescues are not recommended for sports fields and golf tees because they have a low wear tolerance. Most of these varieties have all the same characteristics. Chewings Fescue has a noncreeping, bunch-type growth habit unlike Red Fescue. All varieties germinate rapidly and are well adapted to poor, dry, sandy soils.

Perennial ryegrass - Turf-type perennial ryegrasses germinate and establish very rapidly. They are extremely wear tolerant, producing beautiful lawns that do not form thatch. Ryegrasses blend well with other grasses and add disease and insect resistance to bluegrass mixes. Ryegrass leaves are fibrous, requiring a sharp mower blade to avoid shredding or tearing the turf. Like Kentucky bluegrass, ryegrasses require moderate to high fertility levels.

Warm-Season Grasses:
Bermuda Grass - Bermudagrass is the species most adapted to and most frequently used in southern Missouri. Many new and improved seeded varieties have been developed and released during the last 10 years. Users now have a choice of varieties that are denser and finer textured than the almost extinct seed of common bermudagrass. Bermudagrass spreads aggressively by stolons (aboveground runners) and rhizomes (belowground runners) and can become a nuisance when it invades flower beds and gardens. Also, cold-tolerant seeded and vegetative varieties are available that withstand lower winter temperatures.

Click Name To View Grass Seed Choice   Type Applications
Bermuda Grass - Oasis Warm Season Lawns - Full Sun - Fast Growing
Bermuda Grass - Blackjack Warm Season Lawns - Full Sun - Fast Growing
Bermuda Grass - Yukon Warm Season Lawns - Golf Course - Fast Growing
Full Sun - High End - Best Cold Tolerance
Bermuda Grass - Arden 15 Warm Season Lawns - Golf Course - Fast Growing
Full Sun - High End
Cool Season Mix - Showtime Cool Season Lawns - Moderate Shade
Rye, Kentucky Bluegrass, Fine Fescue Mix
Cool Season Mix - Garland Cool Season Lawns - Moderate Shade
Rye, Fine Fescue Mix
Fescue/Bluegrass Mix - Combat Extreme South Cool Season Lawns - Wear Tolerant - Extra Heat Tolerance
Fescue Blend - Combat Extreme Transition Cool Season Lawns - Wear Tolerant
Fine Fescue Blend - Legacy Cool Season Lawns - Moderate to Dense Shade
Kentucky Bluegrass - Bluegrass Supreme Cool Season Lawns - Golf Gourses - Full Sun
Kentucky Bluegrass - Midnight Cool Season Lawns - Golf Courses - Full Sun
OSP Ryegrass Cool Season Lawns - Golf Courses
Image Title

Combat Extreme Southern

Combat Southern is a 3-way mixture of turf type fescue and Hybrid Bluegrass which is heat and drought tolerant enough to be used in USDA Zones 8 - 10 (partial shade recommend for USDA Zone 9 and 10). This mixture is approximately 90% turf type fescue grass seed and 10% hybrid bluegrass seed by weight. By seed count, this makes almost a 50/50 blend of fescue and hybrid drought tolerant bluegrass.
  • Wear Tolerant
  • Cost Efficient
  • Lawns
Image Title

OSP Ryegrass

this perennial rye grass was developed with turf characteristics important for all uses. In addition, this rye grasshas superior seed quality, with a “Poa–free” tag based on extended seed testing so you are not planting your problems. The cultivars used exhibit rapid establishment, stress and disease tolerance, cool weather active growth, wear tolerance and recovery.
  • Wear Tolerance
  • Cold Tolerance
  • Lawns

Below is the USDA Zone Map for Missouri so you can determine which zone you reside in. Below that are our picks for your state which will do best in your area. Next on this page are tables which list various grasses and their characteristics so you can compare before you decide on your purchase. Click on the product name (ie. Midnight) for more information about that grass and to make your purchase.

USDA Zone Map For Missouri
Missouri Grass Seed Missouri Zones

Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics
Cool Season
Bentgrass - Creeping Fine Moderate
to Fast
Low to
High Poor to
High Poor to
Bentgrass - Colonial Fine Moderate
to Fast
Low Moderate Poor to
Moderate Moderate
Bluegrass - Kentucky Moderate
to Fine
Slow Moderate
to High
to High
Good Moderate Poor
Bluegrass - Rough Moderate
to Fine
Slow Moderate
to High
to High
Poor Moderate Excellent
Fescue - Hard Fine Slow to
Low to
Very Low
Moderate Excellent Low to
Fescue - Creeping Fine Moderate Low to
Moderate Good Low Excellent
Fescue - Turf Type Moderate
to Coarse
Moderate Moderate
to High
Low to
Excellent Low Good to
Ryegrass - Perennial Fine to
Very Fast Moderate
to High
to High
Good Poor to
Poor to
Compare Various Grasses For Their Characteristics - Continued
Cool Season
Acid Soil
Bentgrass - Creeping High Low Low Low Medium
to High
High High
Bentgrass - Colonial High Low Low Low Medium
to High
High High
Bluegrass - Kentucky Medium Medium
to High
Medium High Medium Medium Medium
Bluegrass - Rough Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium Medium
Fescue - Hard Low Low Medium Medium
to High
to High
Low to
Low to
Fescue - Creeping Low Low Medium High Medium
to High
Low to
Low to
Ryegrass - Perennial Medium High Low to
Medium Medium Low Medium
to High